100% Verified Buddha Pants Coupons, Vouchers, Deals, Discount Codes, Voucher Codes

Buddha Pants is a clothing company dedicated to creating multi-functional travel ready apparel, focusing on comfort & encouraging an active lifestyle. The name was manifested in 2012 and after a year of prototyping; research, design and development the first round of pants were manufactured in November of 2013. Thanks to our manufacture and Creative Director Claudio Milano to make that happen, based in Miami, Claudio Milano is high end fashion brand and boutique, dedicated to elegance and class. We have a small factory in Miami, Florida and another one in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam. Claudio spends half his time in Miami and the other half in Vietnam. Get Buddha Pants Coupons, Vouchers, Deals, Discount Codes, Voucher Codes at https://www.freecopon4u.com/stores/budddha-pants-discount-coupon-codes.html


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